11. Which quantity is greater?

$$\begin{array}{lcl}The\: retail\: price \: of \: a \: TV \: at\: buybest.com\: is\: 35\%\:\\ more \: than \: its\: wholesale\: price. \:For\:a\:sale,the\:company\\reduces\: the\:retail\:price\:of\:that\:TV\:by\:20\%.\\ \\ Column\:A: The\:wholesale\:price\:of\:the\:TV.\\ \\ Column\: B:The\:price\:of\:the\:TV\:for\:the\:sale.\\ \\ (A):If\: the\: quantity\: in \: Column\: A\: is \: greater;\\ (B):If\: the \: quantity\: in \: Column \: B\: is \: greater;\\ (C):If\: the \: two\: quantities\: are\: equal;\\ (D):If\: the\: relationship\: cannot\: be\: determined\\\, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \: from\: the\: information\: given.\\ \end{array}$$