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Math planet is a free, accessible platform for learning mathematics. We offer high school math courses in Pre-algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2 and Geometry. We have also prepared practice tests for the SAT and ACT. The educational material is focused on US high school maths, but we welcome everybody to study math with us.
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About Mattecentrum
Mattecentrum, founded in 2008 in Sweden, is a non-profit membership organization that offers free mathematics support for everyone. Our goal is to provide equal access to knowledge and increase interest and skills in mathematics and other STEM subjects.
Through its network, Mattecentrum orchestrates complimentary math labs throughout Sweden, conducted within schools, libraries, and various other venues spread across 24 different cities. Each month, over 3500 students nationwide receive personalized educational support courtesy of the contributions from Mattecentrum's dedicated group of 450 active volunteers.
Mattecentrum also offers the following FREE resources :
Math labs for tutoring support
Math lab activities are carried out in 24 locations all over Sweden. Mattecentrum provides around 35,500 hours of homework assistance yearly in the Math labs.
Digital Math Labs
In Mattecentrum's digital math labs, also known as Live Help, students can engage with the organization's volunteers through video meetings to receive personalized assistance with their math queries. Live Help offers both drop-in sessions and scheduled meetings
Pluggakuten is Mattecentrum's digital homework assistance platform where members can ask questions and respond to others via an open chat, covering mathematics and other school subjects.
Ekonomikoll in Swedish is a website that provides insights and tools in finance. We review fundamental principles and concepts that impact our financial future.
Matteboken in Swedish and Arabic
Matteboken is Mattecentrum's digital knowledge site, offering math exercises, theory, and video lessons spanning from preschool to the highest level of high school. The site also includes puzzles, quizzes for college entrance exams, and a collection of old national exams. Matteboken is freely accessible and is also available in an Arabic language version.
Formelsamlingen is Mattecentrum's digital compendium of formulas in mathematics, physics, and chemistry.
Mattecentrum has three YouTube channels featuring published math video lessons in both Swedish and English.
To contact Mattecentrum, please send an email to:
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